Halloween was fun like it always is!
I was trying to think of good ideas for a theme for Halloween for our family & couldn't put something together! I took too long, didn't wanna spend the money,etc.. So we were gonna have the kids be animals & Jesse & I be zookeepers but Logan wanted to be Bravo from the movie Planes. Plus he still loves fighter jets so of course he wants to be a F-18! so then Jesse made plans to make Logan a fighter jet out of cardboard.

once emma saw what daddy was making she no longer wanted to be a penguin but now she wanted to be a fighter jet too! So I asked her again, penguin or fighter jet & jet it is!

So Daddy continued to make us all fighter jets!
Emmas a F-35,I'm a B2 Bomber & Jesse is a F35
So we had fun at the trunk or treat at the church. I had collision problems crashing into almost everyone since I was so wide..it was funny later but not to Logan since I couldn't see where I was hitting as we were walking to get treats. Oh & Emma only wore her costume to take a pic & that was it:( I asked her before we left home if she wanted to be a penguin again & said no. really?? oh well.. OH plus then I felt even more guilty when I realized at the trunk or treat that Jesse didn't get to making Adi's costume since he was up till 3 the last couple of nights finishing them. & I didn't think about that until we got to the trunk or treat:(
So at the end of the day I was stressing myself out trying to find a theme & Logan helped us get one together anyways:)
Emmas is Elmo & Logans is the Angry Bird

Oh & a random creepy little spider on the kids pumpkins..maybe Jesse & I will do ours now since we didn't get to it after the kids pumpkins.