Monday, December 6, 2010

Logan is ONE!!!

Ok I know I know I'm way late on this so here it goes..Our little boy has hit the one year mark and I still can't believe it! It seems like yesterday he was coming to us as we got to the hospital(as I'm crying thinking Ah I'm going to have a baby!, I was fine once I got there.) and I was realizing the blessing of an epidural as I slept through contractions and Jesse watched how big they were (as he told me later) and before I knew it Logan was here and I was half out of it (that happens when you are tired, hungry). I laugh as I remember trying to talk to Chloe on the phone and almost falling asleep. Its so fun to look back and remember the family coming to visit. It really is unreal to think of the blessing a baby brings to so many and how grateful I am that Heavenly Father is trusting me to try my best to be the best mommie I can be! So here is to our sweet baby, now toddler Logan and looking back at how he has grown.
One Month Old
3 Months
5 Months
6 Months
8 Months
10 months
11 Months
1 year old!

I just had to put this video up so just watch the beginning where Logan gave a sad reaction to Happy Bday!


Heidi said...

Best Grandson Ever!! It's so fun to have him close and see him grow! Love you Logan!!

Jessica W. Clark said...

Ahhhh so cute! Happy Birthday to your little guy!