Friday, September 24, 2010

quote of the day

"Being a mother is accepting the limitations of time and energy and letting your children teach you how fully take in the little moments before they grow up"

A friend of mine put this up on facebook and i loved it! Being a mom can be hard but at the same time so fun to just be there with your baby and let them play, crawl all over you, drool all over your face, watch them look at books so curious(I love this!), try to talk to you by yelling Da! and grunt a million times, playing peek-a-boo, playing outside and see how many rocks he can eat like Cheerios if you don't get to him quick enough, playing the piano(Logan loves this...he gets mad when you take him away!),loves reading books with Mommy and Daddy(daddy is a lot cooler cuz he is so animated for reading time), and get into everything they are not supposed too.

..the list could go on but yup being a mom is awesome! Soak up moments with everyone in your life!


Heidi said...

You're a great mom Candice! Logan is very lucky to have you and Jesse as parents! I love you all!

Rooneys said...

aww..thanks mom! Love ya!

Brittany and Everett said...

What a great quote, one I think all us busy mom's should have to read everyday! Life really can snatch away from you if you don't slow down, cool off, and just soak it in. Oh gall I need to take my own words up!:)
Hope all is going well for you!

Cute family pics by the way!