Monday, September 13, 2010

I don't know what to name this face..funny mouth?

Ok explanation..for those of you that have seen my face.. it's is unique and special in so many ways.. ha ha.. well my family for sure knows it well and while you may make fun of it or think I have issues it is funny and makes you laugh! So my boy has the signature face in his blood obviously cuz he can make the same face! And it took Aubrey forever to get this down for years..(I love you Aub don't be mad..I don't know if it really took did..) So he makes the face when we get him after a nap and follows with a smile or sometimes randomly throughout the day. So this should hopefully explain the pics and the video.. I really hope I didn't totally embarass myself but its so funny and keeps us laughing every day!


Jacqueline Clark said...

HAHA!! Oh my gosh that is so funny! I can't believe he does that face! I can remember you doing that from when we were like 5! It's amazing what passes on huh?

Clarissa said...

That is SO funny! He likes his mommy!

Rooneys said...

yup the skills we pass on..ha ha

Amy Baker said...

That is to funny! Isn't it funny though the faces your kids pull!

Anonymous said...

What can I say you are truly a spaz!! but jeez I still love you and that little boy!

Katy said...

Hahaha! You two are so cute!

The Kulani Family said...

HAHAHA!!!! That is just too cute!! He is just too cute for words!!!