Monday, October 24, 2011

Sand Dunes!

So tons of pictures! We just had so much fun at the sand dunes with Greg & Jaime that I had to post the fun things we did! It was so fun to get on a four wheeler cuz its been prob about 6 years? wow it was fun to get back on and once I remembered how to ride it was so fun!

playin in the sand..
Greg & Jaime:)
Chloe looking good!
Chloe & Jaime showing the cool helmets
Me & Chloe! Jaime we should of taken a picture! Bummer!
Emma chilling in her car that car seat cover! kept most of the sand out..of course there was some and a ton got on her binky! Jaime was so good to wipe it off..that sand gets messy.
Logan trying to get the sand off
Logan & Max. Logans buddy
had to touch the sand as he was riding
ok this was hilarious! Logan was crawling like a caterpillar. I should of gotten it on video!
Jaime & Logan..Logan warming up yeah!
can't tell if he looks happy or grumpy?
Logan was pretending he was sleeping in his little sand hole. cute..
digging a hole..
still digging..
pretty deep..we tryed to get Logan to stand in it but that didn't last long.

that hill was a good workout woohoo!
more digging...
love this little guy!

Logan trying to dig..he might get stuck..

and this is what happens when you come home thinking you have shook out all the sand and daddy went to change Logans diaper and this came out of the pockets. soJjesse asked Logan if he put sand in his pocket. Logan just smiled..classic..

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