Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jesses bday!

Its another birthday for Jesse! I was just thinking how grateful I am for:
-a husband who is a huge support, comfort & strength to me
-who helps me to be a better person, despite insecurities of mine & at times my emotional state(hey prego brain is really getting at me some days right now)
-a husband who is a great father! I'm so grateful when I see his dedication, hard work, one on one with Logan & Emma & consistency. he is always trying to be a great dad(even when children get stressful & try your patience over & over again..haha..)

I'm just so grateful for a husband who is so good in so many ways. I'm rereading this entry over & over again & I really dont feel like I can put into words how I feel. I loved Jesse the day we were married(love that smile) 

& I love him even more now! I hope he had a great bday!

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