Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Those Precious Little Ones

As I was babysitting Lillie, Kallie along with my boy. The oldest Lillie decided to get a spoon out of the drawer to play with so, like usually the younger ones followed with Kallie wanting and getting a spoon and Logan wanting one right after and getting one too. As I was sitting and watching them Lilly started to "feed" me something. So I took the spoon and pretended to eat. So I said "Yummy! Are you cooking?" and so Kallie and Logan started to follow and "cook" and pick up whatever on the ground and "feed" me. It was hilarious! I was having a good ol time being fed there food. Logan always says eggs since I let him help me cook whenever I can without it being a dangerous situation and he gets to crack the eggs. And so to make it even better they had half an easter egg sitting in the frontroom so they started to eat out of the egg. so it continued for a few minutes before they moved onto the next game. I continued to give them compliments and say "Yummy!" with enthusiasm to make them feel special which I love seeing the faces and laughs they gave as we played(the ages are 18 months, 19 months, and 3 years old). So really what this is all about is...how amazing it is to really "behold" these little ones and see how they are really teaching us about the simple things in life and what really matters, whatever simple thing you need to learn at the moment.. at this moment I needed to remember that just being there is important, playing is important, "play is a childs work" ,and really what we need to do is just "behold" these little ones..

1 comment:

Jen said...

oy! Thanks for posting this, I so needed it today. All Kael wants is to be held, so much for getting things done. But thanks for reminding me whats important.