Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Emma Marie Rooney

Emma Marie came Monday, Aug 22nd at 4:03 am! She weighed in at 6 lbs 7 oz. Logan was 7 lbs 6 oz so I was shocked to get a smaller baby with the 2nd. She was so alert and screaming we could definetaly hear her! It was so amazing to go through this experience again when they place your baby on your chest and you feel empowered again and you are blessed to bring life again. It truly is a miracle. As I went through a natural birth this time it was a very different experience and an emotional experience. It was so amazing to see an more alert baby, and I was not half drugged up and out of it.. don't get me wrong Logans labor was just as exciting. This was just a whole new experience and was hard yet so good at the same time. The crazy thing was once my contractions came closer at midnight on Monday by 1 we were counting them and by 2:30 heading to Grandmas to drop off Logan once my water broke at home and headed to the hospital and Emma was here at 4:03 am crazy fast! It is amazing how the 2nd labor can be faster! When we got to the hospital I was all ready to push. that was exciting since I was doing as much as I could at home so that was almost a crying relief at the hospital to be that far along. so glad she is here happy, healthy and we are so happy to be a family of 4 now!
We just love her!


Steph said...

Congrats on the baby! She is beautiful. And just so you know for future reference when I name my first baby girl Emma Marie, just know that I've had that name picked out since I got married 4 years ago so I'm not copying you but great minds think alike! I'm so happy for you!

Jaime said...

I cried, I just love her and her relationship with Logan. I just can't get enough, you look absolutely amazing, tan, skinny, beautiful! I love you so much and your family! Love ya sis! So great seeing you today!