Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby Shower for baby girl!

Baby shower was so much fun! Thanks to my mom, Chloe, Jaime and Aub(thanks so much!!)for putting it together and it was great! It was so good to have friends and family stop by and to top it off with yummy pink lemonade cupcakes(perfect for the girl theme..), and veggies. We got lots of stuff we sooo needed and are so grateful for the help! It was so fun to see what the girls did to the onesies to decorate them and help me out with cute bows(since I have been slacking). Our little girl will be so cute in her outfits!
family pic!
my vanna white pose..
Logan just had to have a dip in the cupcakes when he got back home


Jaime said...

Dear Candice, I love you and your baby Emma(already) I sure hope she loves me:) I hope this baby will be more willing to come to me haha! I need to spend some girl time with her:) We definately need girlie time with her and all of us girls when she gets here! I can't wait to meet her(hopefully she comes early) and I'm so greatful I was a big part of this shower:) and I'm glad you had a good time!! Love you!!

Brittany and Everett said...

ahh so exciting that you are having a baby girl! Congratulations Candice! And it looks like you moved into one of the townhouses:) Hope your summer is going well and that you are feeling well!